I will help you with all the legal requirements and I have all the necessary paperwork to perform your marriage. Here’s a brief rundown, so you know what to expect.
You need to lodge your Notice of Intended Marriage (NIM) at least one calendar month before the wedding date. You can submit it in person, via fax or mail, but you must bring it with you when you meet with me. You can lodge it up to 18 months in advance if you wish.
In Australia, you need to be over 18 years of age to marry. If you were born in Australia you need to show your birth certificate or passport, and if born overseas, then your birth certificate or passport from your country of birth. If either you or your husband have been married before you must provide your Divorce Decree Absolue papers, or the Death Certificate of a previous spouse.
On your wedding day you will need two witnesses over the age of 18. If you don’t have friends or family in the country, I can organise this for you. If you are bringing a partner into Australia on a prospective spouse visa, I can give you the necessary letter for the Department of Immigration.